Saturday, June 30, 2007


Last night Jacob and I could hear a fireworks show, but we were too tired to do more than look out from the balcony to see what part of the sky they were displaying. I think they must be over Reliant Stadium, which I think can be seen from the roof of the parking garage. If it happens again tonight, I'm determined to figure out where they can be seen. It is Fourth of July weekend after all.

I woke up feeling pretty good and more energetic thanks to my infusion of red blood cells yesterday. The Reid's church in England I know is praying for me because Ruth Reid has sent me a couple of e-mails asking how I'm doing. I asked for prayer about different things. Mostly what I've already been asking all of you to pray for.

Finding ways to occupy my time is something of a struggle these days. Kirk did bring a Russian translation I've been working on for my Ph.D., but I haven't had the energy until (perhaps) now to put some time into it. There's always housekeeping types of things to do, as well. I've considered starting on a couple of sonnets, which I feel may be just the thing. I'd love to go walk the mall, but I know that it will be incredibly busy this weekend of the 4th. People just won't be able to stay away when the Galleria is having a sale. Lots of people unfortunately means lots of germs, so I'll have to stay home.

Thanks to Chris (my new friend here in Houston) I've got a lot of CD's to listen to. She and Kathy (our mutual friend in Frisco) are praying for me, as are tons of other people. If I were to list them all, I know I wouldn't be able to do it without missing a name. Thanks again to all of you who are praying.

There's a really great pool on the ground floor of our apartment building. I'll probably get Jacob to go swimming, so he can have some exercise.

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