Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer Quiet

The quiet is sometimes too loud for me.
I turn on the television to hear the sound of voices.
But noise is all I hear.

I scour my e-mails
As if bleaching them will make me smile.
But such chastisement is not within me.

I long to bring people within my skin
By some Spirit-driven power
Give insight to my situation. But it belies inspiration.

Where are the friendly voices I once heard so often?
Have they abandoned me
When abandonment cannot be forgotten?

Yes and yes. There can be no other answer.
I thank God for the time
When I can hear only His voice

Because so many others are silent.


RyanMHill said...

sorry you are feeling alone sweetie..

i think that is the plauge of being human

RyanMHill said...

that was reallly from your buddie carolyn
in austin...

Sherry said...

thanks...just in a holding pattern about...certain family issues...yet to be resolved