Monday, February 26, 2007

Internet Angst, Sister Joy

The condo is great (in a slightly beat up way,) but no internet access. So Kirk and I drive to MDA (less than a mile and a half away,) thinking we can use Kirk's laptop there. No luck there. The laptop won't connect or there's nothing to connect to. Called both the MDA help desk (no help there) and Kirk's work help desk (same as MDA.) So now I'm at a cyber center at MDA, unable to download pics off my camera, but still able to write my daily blog.

Here's one really great thing: waking up with huge oak trees peeking over the little fenced-in back porch of our condo. AND it's actually a little bit cool here is Houston--weatherwise. ALSO, my sister called while I was at SuperTarget, which I walked to. Add all those things together: oak trees, cool weather, walking distance to groceries, and getting to talk to my sister--and you've got JOY.

Hopefully tomorrow...I'll be able to bring my downloaded pics.

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