Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Meaning of Life: Lisa's Answer

I've got some thoughts on the "meaning of life" question.

The answer is... I don't have the answer. My understanding is that I would only have that answer if I created myself, which I didn't. God created me. God has that answer. And I am content in that knowledge.

I think it is more important to have a meaningful life. My life is meaningful because God gives me love, strength, joy, patience, and comfort. In turn, I can (within my human limitations) send these things on through to the people around me.

Having a meaningful life has helped me to:
--enjoy snuggle time with my son,
--share laughing with my sister, who understands a part of me in ways that no one else does
--achieve a deeper and richer relationship with my husband
--find humor in not-so-humorous situations, and
--hang in there when I'm scared.

Thank God for all of this!

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